Sketch to DXF

Modifiziert am: Oktober 10,2016  
Downloads: 411  


Beschreibung:The macro will hide all the bodies and sketches in the part, after that it will look at all the features and for each sketch that is custom named it will un hide the sketch, View normal to the sketch plane, Insert that view into a drawing, Set the scale 1:1, save the drawing file as a DXF, and finally close the drawing.
    Vorbedingung: A part that includes sketches that do not contain the word "Sketch" in the name
  Nachbedingung: All the sketches will be saved as a DXF in the same location as the part as "Part name" "Sketch name"
SOLIDWORKS Version: Unknown
Programmiersprache: SW_VBA


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Paul Novorolsky

Benutzer seit: 06.07.2016
Titel: Designer
Solidworks API Solid Modeling Drawings Mechanical Design
Solidworks API Solid Modeling Drawings Mechanical Design
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